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时间:2020.02.12 点击数: 字体: 发布来源:本站原创

       今天,战“疫”一线的杜斌教授和王春耀医师收到了一封来自法国的邮件。来信者是法国巴黎第六大学的Jean-Jacques Rouby教授,希望两位协和医生代为转达法国友人对中国抗疫的坚定支持和诚挚祝福。他还希望这封信件能够被更多人知晓——世界相信中国,一定打赢这场疫情防控阻击战。

       Dear Bin, 亲爱的杜斌大夫

       Dear Wang, 亲爱的王春耀大夫

       I guess that your Department of Emergency is very busy with the corona virus epidemy.


       What is implemented in China to fight against the Corona virus epidemy is really impressive for the International Medical Community. We are totally confident that your country will be successful to control the epidemy. We wish you a rapid and complete success.


Some negative western comments are motivated only by jalousy and political malevolence. They are not representative of what French and European people think.


       We are supporting you and the Chinese people!

       We are supporting you and the Chinese people!


       Can you transmit this message to all colleagues of your Department and hospital?


       Amitiés de Paris, 发自巴黎的朋友

       Jean-Jacques Rouby,

       on behalf of the Multidisciplinary Intensive Care Unit 综合ICU (Pr Jean-Michel Constantin)